The Season
It’s brutal. The crowds in the malls (especially in the parking lots), the rough attitude of a lot of people (I heard three threats of death today alone), the cost of getting gifts (why not just give cash?) and the propensity for overeating (going to squeeze in another workout just in case) makes for wondering: what is so great about the holiday season?
But I love it. I do. If you have kids, it’s great – they are so excited, that it drives you to the mall. The family getting together for a tradition – we do my mom’s place on Xmas eve, kids open all gifts from relatives (obviously the Santa stuff has to wait until morning) and eat absurd foods. The creme puffs she makes really should be illegal. They are killing people.
I think it’s just a great break from the crush of daily life that EVERYONE takes. I’ve got killer construction software, work for an unreal gaming company, and a super-fun celebrity contest on the work side, and golf and aviation on the rare occasion that I have the time. This is a great break, and a chance to spend time with my girls.
I love Christmas. And New Years. And of course, Kellsmas – which is January 7. 🙂
The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool
Yep. It’s accepting entries. On a whole, brand new site.
TOTAL rewrite. From ColdFusion to PHP, and with a database designed to take us into the future. Fan-f’ing-tastic. Going to be a big game.
Tell all of your friends. Hell – tell strangers.
Windows 7? Yeah. OK.
Less than two weeks after Windows 7 launches, a whole article outlining some of the most common problems with Windows 7 is already out. Mac. End of story.
Weed Names
As you know, I am NOT a pot smoker. But I can still appreciate funny weed names. Random Weed Name Generator gets it done. Even vote for the ones you like best.
Chad Waterbury
Lately, I’ve felt that things weren’t right with my body. Not that I’m not working out (David and I destroy ourselves 3 times a week), and not that I’m not watching what I put in my body (see previous post) – it’s that things just don’t seem to MOVE right anymore. My shoulders hurt ALL the time, and have terrible mobility. My knee SOUNDS bad, but seems to work OK. My elbow hurts. My neck hurts. Time to call in a pro.
Having been through the V-Diet, and being an avid reader of T-Muscle, I’d heard of Chad from his books and his reputation. When I found out he was in Los Angeles, I shot him an email to see if he could help. He’s a busy guy, but agreed to see me next Tuesday to figure out how to get me to my goal of having my mobility back, to put on some more muscle, and to cut some last fat that will make me look like a chiseled greek GOD.
Will update.
Too much
OK, I know I’ve said this before, but I’ve GOT to lighten up on the libations. 8 days in India being hosted by the guys at SakhaTech, followed by 6 days in New Orleans with my retarded friends, then 4 days in Pismo for a 3 day golf tournament with the Dad (I took 2nd place low net), and Vegas this coming weekend for Kate’s wedding? That’s just NOT SAFE. I’m actually AFRAID of a Halloween where Pam is out of town and I don’t want to sit home along handing out candy.
Am I impressed that at 43 I can still hang with the big dogs? Of course. But right now, it needs to stop.
India highlights
Been too long since posting. Just back from India. Highlights:
- – New airport in Bangalore is about as nice as anything I’ve ever seen
- – Rooms at the Bangalore Golf Club are NOT. Idea: get an elevator if rooms are going to be on the 3rd floor
- – Golf course was in great shape. Played with a nice guy from Georgia. Enjoyed hitting first drive – which had to go OVER the parking lot.
- – Traffic still an absurd issue there. If your horn doesn’t work, forget driving in Bangalore.
- – Sakha offices cool. Well, not temperature cool – nothing there is.
- – Food, as always, was great. Partying was too. Hard Rock Bangalore (which has over 20000 fans on Facebook), Purple Haze and Cub Nero were all awesome. From what I recall. Don’t even ask Harsh what happened. He won’t remember.
- – I overtipped again. Wildly as it turns out. It seems that tipping 100 rupees for breakfast is the equivalent of tipping $200 in LA. No wonder the service was so good.
- – LONG flights. 20 hours each way.
- – Sick as a dog AFTER I got back, punctuated by 36 hours where I couldn’t sleep at all. Kudos to Pam for keeping me from killing myself.
- – Good t be home, but it was fun as usual.
Time Magazine
I used to think that Time was a very respectable magazine, with well researched articles. Not anymore.
Is really sick? Or is it just YOU?
Just got off the phone with what is apparently Michael Jackson’s biggest fan in all of Minnesota. Note to self: must make it at least a BIT harder for people to get my cell number.
He started out very politely asking if I was the Commissioner of the Game of All Games, and I said yes. He then proceeded to tell me, in incredible detail, what a fantastic person MJ was, and all the great things he did for the world. That I would never amount to anything close to him, and that I should be ashamed of myself for running such a disgusting game. Normally, I thank people like this for their feedback, and leave it at that. But I decided to engage this guy just a little:
Me:Â Can you tell me just what it is that disgusts you about this game?
Him:Â It’s about death.
Me: But death is something that just HAPPENS. Football happens too, and I bet football websites don’t bother you.
Him: This is different. This is a serious matter.
Me:Â I’ll bet if you asked an NFL player if football was a serious matter, he’d say yes.
Him: But you are making a game out of it! Making money!
Me: Football is a game. And they make a lot more money than me.
Him:Â You’re missing the point.
Me: I haven’t heard a point yet – but i want you to do something for me. Take 30 seconds, right now – and just THINK about what bugs you about this website. Then speak.
Him: Fine. (30 seconds of silence)
Him: I think it’s because you make fun of people who are dead or dying. And that is disrespectful.
Me: To who?
Him:Â To Michael Jackson!
Me:Â Is he still dead?
Him: You’re a jerk. (Click)
Nothing about his off-color obituary, nothing about his family, etc.
So there you go. Sick fun for the whole family.
Rob Fukuzaki golf tournament
Besides being a really cool guy, this is a great cause. You should sign up.